a wonderful time capsule of social history in san francisco 1965...teenagers were certainly having more money in their pockets and in doing so spending power was shifting to a new market...looking at the teens here you see happy smiling faces and a bright future a head....but no one fore saw the emerging bohemian lifestyle that would alter their lives within a year or so...as this was being filmed new musical bands were being formed such as 'jefferson airplane/the charlatans/the final solution/the mystery trend/anonymous artists of america/big brother & the holding co and with new clubs that would feature and nurture these bands like 'mothers' (in north beach..) the very first and having the first light show run by del close a member of the committee before the matrix that would open that summer'..coffee houses too played their part in this new music with 'the coffee gallery and hungry i having bands play......most of the students featured here would in a year grow out their hair and develope a more casual approach in clothing/language/life style and political calling....can anyone help in nameing some of the bands we see? and just who is that all female band we see towards the end?..maybe you were there? please get in contact if you can help.....most of this news report was filmed at the san mateo county fairgrounds teenage fair 1965...nice to see tom donahue at the kya radio booth who would also play a big part in the new music scene...