Contact us: thosetastebudguys@gmail.com
IG: Tastebudguys also use #thosetastebudguys
Twitter: @tastebudguys1
You can call us Taste Buds or the Two Guys behind the counter, it doesn't matter to us. We are two guys from Missouri doing a Craft Beer Review and a Whiskey Review (or Whisky Review depending where you are from) with a drive to always Try Something New. We won't drive you crazy with snobby tasting notes that no one else will understand, just a general idea of what the beer or food tastes like. We want YOU to join us in trying exciting new things to open our minds, and pallets, to something different. So join Chris Horn and Lyal Strickland as we foray into some suds and grains and stumble all over ourselves trying to sound smarter than they really are. Some of the things we love to try are Scotch, Bourbon, Rum, Tequila, wine, and craft beer of all kinds. We argue between Stouts and Porters, IPA and Sour, Farmhouse and Lager. I'm sure there isn't anything we won't disagree about except that we like to try new stuff.
If you have a favorite brewery or Distillery or anything else, be sure to send us a message so we can try it at Thosetastebudguys@gmail.com