
Boris Johnson has totally mismanaged coronavirus but Brits STILL feel sorry for him

Boris Johnson has totally mismanaged coronavirus but Brits STILL feel sorry for him Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  We are a kind country, aren’t we?  Helping old ladies across the road, getting cats down from trees, saying “sorry” even when something has not been our fault. It’s the British way.  This surfeit of kindness can be the only rational explanation for an absolutely staggering fact: Boris Johnson’s approval rating is the highest it has ever been.  According to a YouGov poll last week, when Johnson became Prime Minister last July, about a third of the public (33 per cent) held a favourable view of him and just over half (54 per cent) had a negative opinion, giving a net score of minus 21.  Even after delivering a Conservative majority in the December general election, his rating remained under water, at minus 11.  As the coronavirus crisis began to unfold – largely in part because of Johnson and his government’s refusal to take it seriously – in the first half of March, his numbers modestly improved but were still negative at minus 3.  However, the latest figures show there has been a shift in public approval, with more than half (55 per cent) now having a favourable opinion of the Prime Minister and just over a third (35 per cent) having an unfavourable opinion.  This leaves Johnson with a net score of plus 20, his highest rating by some distance since becoming leader.  To which I have to say – ARE YOU (expletive removed) KIDDING ME?  This is the guy who was toying with the “herd immunity” idea as recently as three weeks ago.  You know, the idea that would have gotten hundreds of thousands of British people killed.  In fact, he was the guy who brought the guy who suggested the herd immunity rubbish into the heart of government in the first place. (Dominic Cummings, last seen fleeing Downing Street at a good pace, having played his part in the herd immunity thing by actually getting the virus.)  Herd immunity turned out to be such a phenomenally bad idea that even Trump, the global village idiot, mocked it at a press conference.  Johnson is the guy who went on TV boasting about how he’d visited a hospital and gone around shaking hands with everyone in sight – even though every half-sentient person knew this was a bad idea at this point – right up until HE GOT THE VIRUS HIMSELF.  He probably then gave it to both Cummings and Matt Hancock.  Are we really so kind a nation that the minute Johnson came down with the virus we collectively thought, “Aww, bless him.  He’s ill. Poor soul. He’s trying his best, eh? Go and have a nice lie down, Boris. Take care of yourself, mate”.  Have you all gone completely mad? The blond-thatched clown downplayed the risk of the virus for ages and then actually started walking around infecting everyone in sight, like some mad Tory Typhoid Mary,

Coronavirus,Boris Johnson,Conservative Party,breaking news,usa today,usa today news,

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