
Coronavirus: Debunking The Hydroxychloroquine 'Controversy' (Dr. Chris Martenson)

Coronavirus: Debunking The Hydroxychloroquine 'Controversy' (Dr. Chris Martenson) GET THE FREE DOWNLOAD of Peak Prosperity's book, Prosper!, which prepared thousands in advance for today's health & economic crises:

There sure has been a lot of recent press about how ineffective hydroxychloroquine is proving to be. That's a real letdown given how promising it was thought to be.

But are the headlines true?

To answer that, Chris pulls up the original VA study all of the recent headlines are referencing. Well, it turns out, it's based on quite poor "science"

For example, it wasn't randomized; by its own admission, hydroxychloroquine was given to sicker patients, closer to death, when we know HCQ works best when given early on. And zinc, a key component to its efficacy, wasn't administered. Nor was azithromycin in a number of cases.

Right now, the "HCQ shows no benefit" claim appears more an intentional narrative than a science-backed finding. In fact, there is growing empirical evidence, notably in France and Costa Rica, that it can work amazingly well when applied under the right conditions.

For now, it seems we remain best served by keeping our eyes open and doing our own investigation versus relying on the media is telling us.

To that end, Peak Prosperity will keep up our efforts and continue producing these videos for as long as needed.

Key your own mind sharp, research and think before taking action, and ask questions in the Comments section below if you'd like to tap the PP tribe's expertise.

Oh, and as always, keep working on your garden:

Reference Links:

Brazil Cemeteries

Dr Raoult results

HCQ a closer view CNN

UVA joins Remdesivir Study

Costa Rica HCQ+

coronavirus,corona,virus,covid-19,covid19,covid,Chris Martenson,Peak Prosperity,Adam Taggart,resilience,garden,hydroxychloroquine,chloroquine,azithromycin,zinc,

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