This is solo queue by the way and we didn't talk anything about using masks.
I thought this was gonna be a 1-2-2 setup but Khufra stayed in the mid lane.
I delayed buying my mask but that was not needed here because Khufra went in the mid lane.
If two or more mask users are in the same lane, their gold won't be the same since one will get the gold from minions.
As for the offlaners, they can use a mask because they will get their own share of gold from their lane.
And offlaners are mostly harassed which means they will be behind gold most of the time.
We can see here that the two roam users on the enemy side has the same gold.
No one is benefitting from their mask right now.
Anyway, I chose Lolita because there was a Chang'e in the enemy side.
It's so satisfying when you block Chang'e's ultimate with Lolita's 2nd skill.
I'm gonna go to bottom lane because the enemy mid-laners are nowhere to be seen.
I'm guessing they will target the Valir because he is all alone.
"Chougok" is our word for the day.
Chougok is the combination of the hero name Chou and the Filipino term bugok.
Bugok means rotten egg or sometimes referred to as a crazy person.
By the way, this is the build that I used.
For tanks like Lolita, I don't have a fixed build.
I base it on the enemy line-up so that I can counter them.
In this game, there were three magic users so I had to use Tough Boots and Athena's Shield as my starting items.
I also used the tank talent, Brave Smite so that every time I stun an enemy I will receive heal.
I used the spell Flicker so that I can combine it with my ultimate.
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