
Glute Building Tip #8: Improving Your Hip Mobility Will Allow You To Have More Glute Gains

Glute Building Tip #8: Improving Your Hip Mobility Will Allow You To Have More Glute Gains

When you cannot get into certain positions of maximum stretch of a muscle it will hinder the amount of range of motion and tension you can get in an exercise, which will limit your muscle growth (not to mention that it will also create nagging joint and soft tissue issues and increase the chances of injury).

Most people have "tight hips" and also cannot control their joints in isolation well (which is the pre-requisite for healthy joints as well as a foundation to get access to as much muscle activation as possible), so we have to make sure that we improve joint control and hip mobility. While there are many exercises to do that (many of which I share on this channel), we really love the 90/90 hip position mobility and Kinstretch drill, one of which I take coach Martha through here.


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