produced in The Quantum Playground on The I UV, recorded on April 2, 2020
BZ: Note on the Choose Fear or Knowing Series: In these chaotic rapidly changing moments, I was nudged and asked to do a series of conversations to be of Heartfelt service to the All. I, like many others, millions now, who Stand in Knowing, have answered the call and each in our own way are beginning these conversations.
I sat down to be with you, to do some quantum porch sitting and play with the metaphor and linear unfoldment of the where we are. And where we are is in The Perfect storm of Revelations...
Stepping into your multidimensionality and seeing what is going on, reading the waters in this perfect storm that is unfolding. Only makes sense and gives you the full picture when you stand in, view and experience it from Your multidimentional knowing.
come join the conversation
You are the expert for you.
Only YOU can make the choice to move from fear to knowing.
The time has come to connect with you and tell you The whole Story so that you release fear, embrace Love to walk through the gates that have opened into a New Virbational Earth. Nothing will stop this unfolding.
I Love You ~ BZ
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