
Whose Bioweapon Is It Anyway?

Whose Bioweapon Is It Anyway?

BioWarfare And Terrorism - Dr. Francis Boyle

First Fourteen Patients Including Patient Zero Did Not Have Contact With Fish Market

South Korea - Ft Detrick Bioweapons Testing "Treaty"

Shinchenonji Leader Responsible For Deaths

Moon Talks To Trump On CoronaVirus

Church Leader Apologizes For Virus Spread


George Webb is an investigative journalist in the Washington, DC area that discovered the NATO Military Grade encryption blackberries and hard drives used by DNC Chairwoman's IT assistant, Imran Awan. Webb has documented NATO involvement on Capitol Hill in the diversion of weapons provisioned by Congress for conflict areas such as Iraq and Pakistan into other covert operations like Libya, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen. Also, Webb has highlighted how NATO Supreme Commanders have used protege translators like Imran Awan to return to the US to pose as small, disadvantaged businesses to win Pentagon and DHS SBA set aside contracts. His latest reports have shown the same Defense Threat Reduction Agency that divert nuclear materials to Iran may have also diverted bioweapons to Iran.

Webb produced a fact witness, a Marine named Andre Taggart, and Taggart confirmed the government marked blackberries and drives stashed by Awan in his home. Webb also interviewed a Capitol Hill staffer with a three decade relationship with Joe Biden that provided insider information about Biden Awan that was later confirmed in a House hearing. The House insider also left the phone with Webb which had Congressional markings, and the blackberry mapped to a DIA staffer on Capitol Hill in the Human Intelligence Services.

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