दोस्तों मेरा नाम R.k.Srivastav है आपका स्वागत करता हूं आपके ही चैनल "टारगेट इलेक्ट्रिशियन" में |
विडियो पसंद आए तो विडियो को लाइक/शेयर करें और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना न भूलें धन्यवाद् ।
About this video-
Dosto aj ke is video me maine why both side phase in socket,why phase come in neutral wire,phase wire, electrical socket me both side phase a raha hai iska keya resion hai aur kuch extra knowledge bhi diya hai ex- Do you put a switch on live or neutral,What will happen if we connect too many appliances in one socket,What is the reason behind the showing phase in both of socket mughe visvas hai ki apko ye video jarur help karega aur pasand ayega
With regards "target electrician"
Solved query :-
1- why both side phase in socket
2- why phase come in neutral wire
3- Which side is a live wire placed in a plug point
4- why are the electric socket wires suddenly both positive
5- power in both positive and negative outlet
6- current in both phase and neutral
7- electrical outlet has power on both sides
8- type of cable joint
9- power in both phase and neutral,
10- phase and neutral in socket
11- phase wire
#socket #threepinsocket #singlephase #powersocket #electrical #whybothsidephaseinsocket
#targetelectrician #electriciantheory
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