The Purple Rose Theatre Company is a professional theatre operating under a Small Professional Theatre agreement with Actor's Equity Association.
This event is free, and donations are encouraged. There are a few ways to give:
1) Visit our main giving site *Preferred option* -
2) Visit our backup giving site -
3) Text "JDLIVE" to 76278
4) Mail a check payable to "The Purple Rose Theatre Company" and write "JD Concert 4/27" in the Memo Line
The Purple Rose Theatre Company
137 Park Street
Chelsea, MI 48118
5) email us your donation intention and we'll contact you at a later time (do not email your cc information, only your intention): donate@purplerosetheatre.org
6) Give our Development Office a call and leave a message at 734.433.7782 x29
Thank you for joining us and enjoy the performance!
Want to learn more about the Purple Rose Theatre Company?
FEIN #38-2946466