
LIBRA - Do You Know How RARE You Are?!?! Kurt Cobain Pops In - Angel & Ancestor Messages May 2020

LIBRA - Do You Know How RARE You Are?!?! Kurt Cobain Pops In - Angel & Ancestor Messages May 2020 Personal reading info towards the bottom -- marked by an orange emoji :)

🌼 Free weekly intuitive tarot / oracle card reading (emailed to you), because you’re worth it: You’ll also get exclusive and free access to the extended version of the 2020 forecast for your zodiac sign / all the zodiac signs when you sign up, as well as a free healing guided meditation and more. See the link for more details.

Thank you for trusting me to channel Spirit for you. Thank you for all your likes that let me know it resonated with you, your taking the time and energy to comment, your sharing my content, and subscribing! I appreciate it so much. It means so much to me. Thank you. You are AWESOME! πŸ’œπŸŒ»

This is a general reading for people on a spiritual path who also feel called to watch the reading. As a general reading, it may not resonate with everyone, or not everything may resonate. Take only what resonates and leave the rest, as other say. You also might want to check out your rising sign reading, your moon sign reading, and/or any other zodiac sign reading that you have strongly in your birth chart if this is a zodiac reading. Namaste. 🧘‍♀️

🍊To book a personal reading with me, please read the following. All of the readings are $150 USD each plus any tax, unless otherwise specified. Please email me at -- letting me know what type of reading you're interested in. Your questions reading (up to three questions per reading); what you need to know right now for your highest good reading; or a predesigned reading -- I currently offer: spiritual gifts reading, life purpose reading, spiritual gifts and life purpose connection reading ($300 USD), deep shadow work reading ($300 USD), and traditional shadow work reading ($300 USD), and inner child healing reading. Just let me know which ones you're interested in if you choose the predesigned reading(s), and I can send you the details. I will then send you a PayPal invoice for the total amount and let you know when I can get you on my schedule. Please keep in mind that I only have a limited number of slots available each week for personal readings at this time, and that I'll be offering the same slot to multiple people. The one who completes their payment first is the one who secures the space on my calendar. If someone completes their payment before you, you get bumped to my next available day. I will send you your finished reading via a link to an UNLISTED YouTube video on my channel you can view as many times as you want and which I'll leave up indefinitely. Unlisted video = only you, me, and anyone you share the link with can view the reading.

***LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Please remember to trust your own intuition above all and to not give away your power to anyone, including to me as an intuitive tarot reader / psychic medium. Please also remember to accept that you alone are responsible for your life and for making good, informed choices for yourself. Specifically, it’s up to you to decide whether what I say in my readings applies to your life / situation and also if any guidance given would be good for you to act on. Note well that I am not making any guarantees about outcome (the future isn’t fixed and often depends on you) or about accuracy / applicability to you or your situation (every reader--however spiritually gifted--is capable of error; also, these YouTube readings are general readings so they may not, or everything in them may not, apply to you). Also note well that although I take what I do very seriously, and although I want the very best for you and am committed to helping you expand your consciousness and live your best life with my content, and although what I intuit / read / channel / am guided to share can and often does lead people to really helpful insights, deep healing, empowerment, etc.: I am *not responsible* for how things turn out for you should you act on anything I say, because, among other things, I am not responsible for your free will decisions or life. You are (see above). Moreover, although I’m highly educated, I am not a medical doctor, licensed psychologist, lawyer, or financial advisor (please consult one or all if you think or feel you need professional help). Lastly, in certain jurisdictions, a tarot / psychic professional is required to disclose to you that tarot / psychic readings should be for entertainment purposes only, and if such a law applies to your reading, then you are hereby on notice thereof.

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