
The 'Stabilising Dictator' idea is flawed

The 'Stabilising Dictator' idea is flawed There is an idea that it is better to have a dictator, especially a secular dictator who may use brutal methods but at least keeps religious fundamentalists in check.

Whilst this may represent a 'lesser of two evils model' I cannot accept that it should be seen as perpetually acceptable

Tunisia and Sudan are two countries that show that when tyranny is overthrown it can be replaced by progress

In other cases, notably Libya and Syria, supporters of the 'stabilising dictator' idea point to the subsequent turmoil in both countries

But to a Syrian family terrorised by Assad's barrel bombs, his regime is just as hideous as the actions of vicious Islamist groups like ISIS

I feel it is wrong to assume all Arabs are just children who need to be controlled

Egyptian Revolution,Arab Spring,Syria War,Bashar Assad,Hosni Mubarak,Human Rights,Sudan Revolution,Dictatorship,

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