
By Simply Pushing a Grocery Shopping Cart Around | Walking is a good cardio exercise!

By Simply Pushing a Grocery Shopping Cart Around | Walking is a good cardio exercise! #rustan'ssupermarket #convenientshopping #burnoffcaloriesactivity
#walkingdistancesupermarket #mariaaltamiarosenkranz #pergo*cery
Shopping is my least favorite thing to do, but I do buy groceries once a week. It's pretty convenient though, the supermarket is at a reasonable walking distance from my condo.

Not for Kids


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Maria Altamia Rosenkranz,Pushing a Shopping Cart Around,Burn Off Calories,Burn Off Calories By Simply Pushing a Shopping Cart Around,Pushing a Shopping Cart,Convenient Shopping,Walking Distance Supermarket,Convenient Shopping in Mandaue Area,Rustan's Supermarket,Go*cery,Per Go*cery,

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