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hey bananas!
thank you so much for watching! I hope you guys enjoyed.
make sure you turn the video settings to the highest quality!
this video is for entertainment purposes only! make sure that you are keeping up your hygiene, staying 2m away from everyone else and just in general staying safe!
I know that this is a serious mater and I am not trying to make a joke out of it in any way!
this video was made to be a funny way of getting information across to the internet, so do me a favour and SHARE THIS VIDEO TO RAISE AWARENESS! lets get this video viral!
together we can stop the spread of the coronavirus!
original video:
I really enjoyed making this video and if you liked it, SMASH that like button (not literally), subscribe and turn on the notification bell so you never miss out!
☆ ˚ : ·
subscriber count: 146
(tysm everyone)
subscriber goal: 155
☆ ˚ : ·
attention everyone... I have made a new group! If you are in the old one called "The Banana Bunch :)" please leave it and join the new one linked below!
roblox: simplyxbanana
new fan group:
comment a ":)" if you see this!
have an amazing rest of your day or night
☆ ˚ : ·
recently asked questions :
Q : “what videos do you record?”
A : “I record any type of Roblox Videos.”
Q : “what do you record with?”
A : “a Screen Recorder that is called Capto. ”
Q: "what do you edit with?"
A: "mostly imovie on my ipad, but i also use other apps such as phonto, picsart, pocketvideo, coloutone, vllo, inshot and pic monkey."
Q : “can I meet you on roblox?”
A : “you can! We would have a fun time! :D”
Q : “can you accept my friend request?”
A : “ unfortunately, I cant. Its unfair to other people who want to add me. sorry!”
☆ ˚ : ·