
CoVIDEO21❤️05112020 - Upper Body Workout for Beginners, Seniors and Folks who want fun working out!

CoVIDEO21❤️05112020 -  Upper Body Workout for Beginners, Seniors and Folks who want fun working out! CoVIDEO21❤️05112020 - A Marvelous Upper Body Workout for beginners, Seniors and folks who just want to have fun working out!

Thank you for investing time in taking loving good care of yourself. Strength training is very important as we age. I have been working with folks over 50 for over 10 years. I am a certified Personal Trainer who KNOWS you will be surprised at the benefits you'll feel after just 8 to 12 sessions, that's 2 to 3x per week consistently, for at least 4 weeks. I hope my CoVideos and the other workout series I develop help you make working out a part of your Wellness focused lifestyle, a habit you never ever give up!

I believe in you, I really do!
Your Online Personal Trainer,
Kamala Parker, BA, CPT
Fitness Over 50 Wellness Specialist

Here is more information about my CoVIDEO workout safe at home video series:

Remember, you can use "regular" fitness equipment, but you don't need it for the COVIDEO workout at home series. Everyday items can be used to get stronger. If you do have equipment like dumbbells, great, but don't let NOT having what you think you need stop you from getting stronger and healthier! Please take loving great care of yourself and workout your body at least twice a week!! Fitness training increases your brain power and cognition too. It is my intention that these workouts are safe and fun for you to do!

If you follow and workout with the CoVideo Pandemic 2020 Fitness series in numerical order, your workout routine will follow this basic pattern: Three workouts a week: Workout #1 upper body, Workout #2 lower body, Workout #3 is a special focus: either overall fitness or balance, or core and abs, or shoulders or arms or all of the above :) You can workout twice a week, but three creates a dramatic difference in your health and happiness faster.

If you are new to this series I do recommend starting with CoVideo01, or just look at a calendar - and do the three videos from a week you pick: originally created on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays but can be viewed and followed on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. Ha. The workouts are designed to give your body the proper recovery time when done in order. No matter how you watch these to get in shape ~ I know you will notice a positive difference in *8 to 12 sessions! (*If you drink plenty of water and get plenty of whole food and protein to nourish yourself ~ then you REALLY feel awesome from these!)

During the 2020 CoVid Pandemic stay at home orders, I had to do something to help! The CoVideo Workout series is set up to provide safe fun workouts for my clients, beginners, seniors, or anyone who would like a lighthearted effective fitness routine. The series began as LIVE videos on Facebook that I have moved to my Kamala Parker YouTube channel. Now my peeps can find the workouts easier, and are able to do them in order.

I am a certified Personal Trainer, 56 years young at the time of the recordings. With over 30 years of experience training people of all ages, and specializing in fitness over 50, and having worked with folks in their 70s and 80s, I feel you will find you can succeed at these workouts. Also, it's very important to me that you are safe. Please understand I can't see you, and you have to keep yourself safe by listening closely to my cues, warming up and cooling down, stopping when you need to. Use the Pause button when you need to. :) If you experience, tingling, buzzing or pain of any degree please stop and seek the advice of licensed health professional. Nothing I say or do is a substitute for the advice or recommendations of your health care provider.

The Quarantine will be remembered as one of the hardest times in our history. There are lots of sources on the internet for physical training or made by Personal Trainers. No matter what source you use, please make taking care of yourself your top priority. Love and respect yourself! Strength Train at least 2 to 3x per week for thirty to 60 minutes and be sure your workout include the warm up and the cool down! A optimized Wellness lifestyle includes 4 to 5 twenty to thirty minute cardiovascular sessions per week as well drinking plenty of water and eating whole fresh foods like your life depends on it, because it does!

Love to all,
Kamala Parker, BA
Veteran, USMC, USCG
Certified Master Physical Fitness Specialist, The Cooper Institute
Certified Personal Trainer, NCSF
Certified TLS Weight Loss Solution Coach
Certified TLS Weight Loss Solution Trainer


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