
I'm creating a personal website for 2021, an entire operating system on the web!

I'm creating a personal website for 2021, an entire operating system on the web! About every 2 years I go to work to create an updated version of my website. Every time I try to focus on my skills and apply them to the project itself.

This year I found myself faced with the need to create a single site that would show all my skills in the web and 3D fields.

Creating a website capable of combining everything is a very difficult undertaking, above all because it could be too large or difficult to understand.

The solution? Create an entire web operating system, where the applications are personal projects and the images and/or links are related to the projects themselves.

This solution allows me not only to incorporate many different things in the same site but also to manage its contents in a more immediate and immersive way for the user.

So NICAOS was born, the first entirely online operating system! Created using Angular 9 with a stateless pattern in mind. All the stiles and assets are created by myself! At the moment it is still in its first steps, and it will never be comparable to a real operating system since it would take years to set it up.

Give it a look, and if you have any suggestions don't hesitate to share them!


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