public :
email: katherineconnely@gmail.com
Thank you for being here, my dear friend!❤️
Спасибо большое, что ты здесь, мой дорогой друг❤️
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new sights, but in looking with new eyes. (Marcel Proust)
If you think life is terrible, maybe you should look at it from a different angle?
We are so quickly getting used to in a good life that we do not realize our own happiness, which consists of simple details.
Think of the people around you.
I don’t know if there’s ever been anything in your life that, knowing people for years, you only realized years later that they weren’t who they seemed.
Under certain circumstances, you just got to know each other better, and these people turned out to be much deeper and more interesting than you could even imagine?
The point is that we always look at the surface, and few people set out to look further, and they spend the rest of their lives running away from something, changing countries, cities, surroundings, thinking that the problem is elsewhere, not him.
But still, it’s not getting any better because you can’t run away from yourself.
Stop it! Look at life from a different angle, trust me, you will be pleasantly surprised to see many beautiful things that you have not noticed before!
(Text and Voice Over: Kate Connely)