
US national leadership has ‘stoked the inner red neck’ of the American people

US national leadership has ‘stoked the inner red neck’ of the American people The Australian Financial Review’s Aaron Patrick says the “national leadership” in the United States has not helped and need to “share some of the blame” for the riots occurring across the country in response to the death of George Floyd.

Mr Floyd was an unarmed black man who died after a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck for more than eight minutes as he told them "I can't breathe".

At least two others have now died in the nationwide protests that have sparked looting, building fires and dozens of arrests.

Mr Patrick said the national leadership including President Donald Trump have “in a way stoked the inner red neck of the American people”.

Daily Telegraph Columnist Miranda Devine told Sky News host Sharri Markson what started as “reasonable protests” about police brutality has been “hijacked … by people from other places, from antifa, these professional agitators”.

She said the violent protests have “nothing to do with the death of this man” but in actual fact have “everything to do with people who are anarchists who want to destroy” the US.

Image: AP


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