
Severe Floods Hit China, 'Three Gorges Dam Could Collapse'EXPERTS

Severe Floods Hit China, 'Three Gorges Dam Could Collapse'EXPERTS Severe Floods Hit Hubei, Guizhou, Sichuan Provinces - China, June 2020


China is facing one of its largest floods in History. Almost One-forth of the country is now suffering from floods caused by severe and ongoing-rainstorms.
Three Gorges Dam once again become the focus of attention. Beijing’s official media reported on June 21 that, on the previous day the flow of the dam had increased to 26,500 cubic meters per second.
- Former China Water Expert, Dr. Wang Wei Luo said, the CCP had claimed the purpose of the dam was to control flood, but its real purpose was to generate electricity and to be able to claim the so-called "World’s largest dam”.

- According to GIS calculations, if the Three Gorges Dam collapses or floods at 100% capacity, the flood will reach Yichang in half an hour. The water in Yichang will flow at a speed of 65 kilometers per hour, for at least 4 hours, Yichang will be submerged under 20 meters of water. The loss of human life in Yichang alone will be 500,000. The peak of the flood will reach Wuhan within 10 hours and Nanjing within a day. It is still too early to predict how many casualties could be caused.

- Some opinions also noted that, the world is calling for the investigation on the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic and many evidence points to Wuhan. However, if the Three Gorges Dam collapses or floods at full capacity, Wuhan, where the P4 laboratory locates, will be flooded and critical evidence could be destroyed.

- In 2014, Chinese media reported that over the past 20 years, Chinese people had handed over approximately 63 billion US dollars to the Three Gorges Dam.

- Huang Wanli, former professor of the Department of Water Resources at Tsinghua University, warned in 1957 about the potential disaster if the dam was built.

- In fact, on June 11, China’s Ministry of Water Resources held a press conference. This is the first time that China’s official department admitted the uncertainty of the dam’s capability.

- In 1975, Henan Province was hit by typhoon Nina and the aftermath was the collapse of 62 dams, including the largest Banqiao Dam.

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