
Armenian Air Defense shoot down Azerbaijani aircraft

Armenian Air Defense shoot down Azerbaijani aircraft So far it's looking a bit like a proxy Russia Vs Turkey conflict with Russia backing Armenia and Turkey backing Azerbaijan (with quite a bit of old Russian gear, oddly enough). The larger threat is that Armenia evokes CSTO members for defense, and in response Turkey plays some NATO cards. Ultimately I don't think Trump gives AF about any of this and will let Russia handle it, which seems like the way to go to me. At this point.

Video from multiple Russian sources - will update this will the best links to them I can figure out - If anyone in comments could help that'd be great thanks.

Things I'd like to figure out:
Exactly what air craft were shut down and who provided them, how much do they cost
Best guess: M-81 and a UAV

What shot down those aircraft and who provided that, how much did it cost

Where exactly did this happen and specifically who's airspace was it? My best info on this is 'Happened in Armenia' right now but it's not very specific.

Check back for updates. If you want more Armenian conflict footage let me know.


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