
I would like to take this opportunity to provide an update on our local lockdown restrictions and th

I would like to take this opportunity to provide an update on our local lockdown restrictions and th The rate of infection is dropping and this is a great achievement, but we still have more work to do in order to reduce it further. You will know that many other local authority areas are now facing the same challenges as us and it is a worrying time for us all, but our collective actions can and will change this. It is clear that we are unlikely to return to what we previously considered ‘normal’ any time soon. We need to accept that we will be required to live our lives in a very different way for the foreseeable future and adjust our behaviours accordingly. Lifting the restrictions is the easy bit – but if we simply return to what we were doing prior to the local restrictions being imposed, the infection rate will rise and we will be put back into another lockdown. None of us want this – so it is within our gift to ensure this does not happen. We all know what we need to do to help control the spread of the virus. Our schools are a great example of how adjustments can be made to ensure that everyday life continues in a Covid-secure way. Protocols and guidelines are in place to protect the whole school community and the system is working well. It is clear that we need to adopt a similar approach in other areas of our lives if we are to all stay safe. The council continues to throw everything we have to control this virus. Officers and elected members, together with our colleagues in Gwent Police, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Public Health Wales and Welsh Government are working around the clock to ensure our county borough and its people are protected. Many are looking to learn from what we are doing here in Caerphilly, as our ‘Team Caerphilly’ approach is setting an excellent example to the rest of the UK. Our figures clearly demonstrate that, if everyone follows the guidelines and adheres to the restrictions, then we can tackle this deadly virus together.


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