
Suicidal thoughts: psychological liberating animation

Suicidal thoughts: psychological liberating animation Are you dealing with suicidal thoughts or do you have suicidal feelings or have you ever considered committing suicide?
Do you also feel like being invisible or that you don’t matter at all or that life as you experience it, has no sense at all?

First of all I want you to know that you don’t have to feel ashamed
and that there is nothing wrong with you and that you are not alone at all,
the only thing what IS wrong is our conditioned direction we are all following, but that leads to nowhere.

The fact that you don’t want to continue in that wrong direction, and that you are radical honest about it, means that everything is totally right with you.

This video is designed to give you perspective and a crystal clear direction towards complete liberation from the life you don’t like living,
as the rich door opening towards your intended vibrant enjoyable life that you are born for.

Welcome to this video, I’m Tom Nuyens from the Alive After having been brought up in a stressful environment and after having been laughed at for being very skinny, and after having experienced that creating world success could not liberate me from feeling dark inside, I got a depression and thoughts about not wanting to continue living that way.

But because I survived a life threatening disease when I was eight, I didn’t want to give up, out of gratitude for that second chance of living.
In my struggle for relief, that I couldn’t even find in achieving world success, and after having studied both physical en psychological health, my patience became eventually richly rewarded.

I finally found a direction towards complete liberation,
from which we dis-cover who we truly are
and in what direction our intended authentic independent fulfilled life is to be found.

To give you this clarity in times of darkness, I made this animation for you.
Remember the darkest of night is right before the sun comes up.

My intention is that the animation serves you towards the independently sunny and bright life that is intended for you.

Enjoy the video!

More info:


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