what a week looks like leading up to my first college exam :) ft. lots of studying obviously haha
also i'm so sad about those lost tuesday and wednesday clips ;-; but basically i just studied and watched i-land (congrats to enhypen! very excited for their debut ^^)
many things shown in my videos can be found here:
shown in this video:
ali's class on how to study for exams:
notion app
↳ apple:
↳ android:
puppet history
buzzfeed unsolved: true crime
folklore album by taylor swift
helpful resources to learn about what's going on in the world right now, expand your perspective + what you can do to help:
for my 18+ peeps in the u.s., please register and let your voice be heard! the deadline is oct 5 for texas, but every state is a bit different so be sure to check your state deadlines. if you're not sure about your status feel free to re-register just in case, it hurts nobody :)
check if you’re registered:
register to vote:
- collection of ways to help and numbers to call:
- playlist of videos that will be donating ALL ad revenue to yemen and blm-related organizations, memorials and protester bail-out funds:
- a quick overview of the war in yemen:
discount codes for y'all :)
“CAFESTUDYY” for 10% off your orders at
"CAFESTUDYY" for 10% off at
"ISABELLE10" for 10% off orders above $49 at yesstyle:
find me elsewhere:
ig 📸-
email 💌- cafe.studyy@gmail.com (for business and general inquiries)
spotify 🎶-
goodreads 📖-
these are free to download, but please do not re-upload or redistribute my designs to other platforms. if you do use them, please tag me on instagram @cafe.studyy so i can repost them on my story ^^
Link to printable folder:
f a q
what grade are you in? i am currently in my first year of college
what do you use to film/edit? canon SL2 and final cut pro
what ethnicity are you? chinese-american :)
disclaimer: some of the links here are affiliate links, meaning i get a small commission off what you purchase with no extra cost to you :)
FTC: this video is sponsored by skillshare!
t a g s
#studyweek #examstudyroutine