YOU ARE affirmations. 8hrs of study affirmations to improve focus and concentration - giving you MEGA study success!
Part of the 'Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)' series, these affirmations for studying will super boost your ability to study (ensuring that you radically improve focus and improve memory) so that you become a SUPER LEARNING MACHINE.
Not only will you learn faster and study smart and but you'll also absorb information EASILY and REMEMBER it!
The more you listen to this powerful intelligence subliminal track, the more you'll love studying and want to focus on your studies - for you will enhance your natural intelligence and allow yourself to become a GENIUS!
Enjoy this study hypnosis track as often as you can and success will be yours!
With love,
Jess @ Live The Life You Love ❤️️
- You can view the script of these study success affirmations by clicking this link:
- Buy your own copy via website or via iTunes (and other stores) by clicking the relevant icons at the top of the main channel page.
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Music: Adrift Volume 2 by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio.