
Cetu Javu- Have in Mind (DJ Rob Edit)

Cetu Javu- Have in Mind (DJ Rob Edit) This video edit is something totally different than anything I have ever done, I wanted to make the video edit pertain to what the song is actually about, read the lyrics below. This song is about keeping planet earth green, and that pollution is a major problem, not a love song:)

Look about the countryside
Can't perceive anything to hide
Nobody knows what's going on
Living beings, where have you gone?

Rivers from the mountainside
Become polluted, don't try to deny
Remember the times when fish were alive
And realize what you need in life

Weak grows your heart, patiently
Before the tragedy, have in mind
Weak grows your heart, patiently
Before the tragedy, have in mind

Doesn't matter what you feel
As long as the others make a great deal
Don't wait so long in offer assistance
And don't give up with your existence

Step by step, we thus get nearer
But our fair must be clearer
When the sun will not rise
We have lost our paradise

Weak, grows your heart, patiently
Before the tragedy, have in mind
Weak, grows your heart, patiently
Before the tragedy, have in mind

Look around you
Is there anything you need?
If you follow our way
You'll pass one day
Therefore before the tragedy occurs
Have in mind, and don't forget

Weak, grows your heart, patiently
Before the tragedy, have in mind
Weak, grows your heart, patiently
Before the tragedy, have in mind

I in no way own any of the copyrighted material and am using the above video under the fair use act.


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