

WHY YOU SHOULD NOT LOSE HOPE? (THIS WILL CERTAINLY HELP) WHY YOU SHOULD NOT LOSE HOPE? THIS WILL CERTAINLY HELP is all about insights and ways that will surely give you hope when you feel to lose hope. A motivation and inspiration to many! All of us want to achieve something, to be someone, to desire something! But most of the times in life we don't get what we ask for instead we get all together something entirely different! Losing hope is not the solution! You should never lose hope!

Why you should never lose hope? Read on:

Looking back to life I never got what I asked for instead I got something else- a different direction, a new insight - a new hope. Life is a phenomenon that can't be understood through human mind. Life works in mysterious ways that can't be understood by us. Understanding that life gives us according to who we are rather than what we ask for can actually make us sail through life.

Everyone of us need hope in life when life hits us over the head! This video will prove useful to those seeking a feeble hope because sometimes what we all need is a feeble hope that everything will be fine! We must never lose hope, we must be hopeful! Don't lose hope because you will figure it out! We always figure life out!

Believe that whatever is happening is happening for a good reason.

If you are failing, well- congratulations! Success is the result of continuous failures! Edison failed 10000 times before getting success with bulb! So failures are natural. Learn from failures, move on- being honest with yourself!

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Rahul Kanyal has experience of working in a PSU called BHEL, he also has a post graduate degree from much coveted IISc, Bangalore, further, he has also worked in Research and Development of Tata Motors, Pune in Crash design simulations. He left his job and everything to explore life more! His mission is to get his message to the youths that with persistence, courage and belief anything Is possible!

Success in life, success factor or way to success largely depend upon belief, persistence and perseverance! One can scale to the heights of glory if one practices these qualities daily backed up by
self motivation, daily inspiration and willingness!



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