
18 Eating Habits That Say a Lot About Your Сharacter Traits

18 Eating Habits That Say a Lot About Your Сharacter Traits What do your eating habits say about your personality? Is there any connection between the way we eat and the way we act? They say you are what you eat. Yet HOW a person eats reveals much more about their personality. Do you eat fast? You are quick and practical about any task at hand. Are you a slow eater? You always do what you think is right for you and it's hard to manipulate you.

Our eating habits are highly instinctual and even if we try to fake them, the real ones will reveal themselves in the end. Wanna read anyone like an open book? All you need to do is carefully look at the way someone eats to reveal a few of their character traits.

You love salty food. 0:25
You eat one thing at a time. 0:47
You’re picky. 1:12
You eat fast. 1:41
You eat slow. 2:07
You choose a unique dish. 2:35
You’re a loud chewer. 3:02
You don’t like sharing food. 3:32
You take other people’s food. 3:53
You like a bitter taste. 4:17
You have a sweet tooth. 4:44
You have a particular preference in ice-cream. 5:05
You eat a lot of fruits and veggies. 5:37
You like meat. 6:02
You mix all the food on your plate. 6:23
You cut all your food up before eating. 6:53
You love all things sour. 7:23
You like it spicy. 7:52

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eating habits,your personality,reading people,read people,psychology tricks,personality types,personality traits,psychological tips,personality test,you are what you eat animation,how you eat,salty food,spicy food,sweet food,sour food,bitter food,vegetarianism,how to read people like a book,eating habits personality,eating habits reveal personality,

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