This Mechanical ventilator design is inexpensive and it will be helpful for people who are affected by Coronavirus.
It consists of both mechanical and electrical parts.
The mechanical part consist of a specially designed self-inflating bag, which improve breathing in a gradual manner and it base is connected to a stepper motor , with a simple single-slider crank mechanism and the volume of self-inflating bag is 500 ml( Tidal volume of lungs ).
The electrical part consist of a micro-controller , which is here Arduino , it control the compression and expansion of the self-inflating bag, also it has a heart pulse sensor and muscle sensor, using which the heart beat and breathing rate are monitored in the LCD display , if there is any problem in heart rate or breathing the buzzer will be turned ON , with red LED indication , so that the doctor can check the patient .
The total amount required for making this is 10,000/- INR(130 Dollar)
Dharanidharan M
Manojkumar LL
Srinivas E
#COVID-19 #MHRD #SAMADHAN #CHALLENGE #VENTILATOR #Mechanical #Sairamit #Together_We_Defeat_Corona