Inspired by the writings of C.G. Jung on symbols of transformation.
Throughout the work lush textures of acoustic sound unconsciously transform into amplified masses without notice. As a statement about places in our unconscious where mysterious transformations happen, the work is a meditation for the now.
Commissioned and Premiered by New Mexico Contemporary Ensemble, this work was conceived as 14 one measure pieces for a postcard exchange in honor of James Tenney and was recorded in February of 2020.
[places of transformation]
composed by joshua carro
Clara Byom - Accordion
Dalton Harris - Trombone
Ian Brody - Cellos
Alan Zimmerman - Vibraphone
Joshua Carro - Electroacoustic Processing, Vibraphones, Marimbas, Crotales, Bells, Tam Tams, Harps, Pianos
Photography - P.M. Carro