
New Realms Of Revelation, Interpretation, And Application - Daily Prophetic Word

New Realms Of Revelation, Interpretation, And Application - Daily Prophetic Word In your time of thinking and listening, be aware I am opening new understanding to you. In this time I will speak to you about things of old. I will cause you to recall ideas, issues, and memories from your past and we will revisit them together. I will speak to you and I will give new insights and understanding, and these things of the past will begin to make more sense to you. With the new perspective I am giving, you will see them differently, though you are acquainted with them already. (1)

I have given you answers to questions of old. I have given you understanding to reach solutions to problems and overcome obstacles of your past. These things have held you back and limited you, but now is the time for you to advance past them, to move forward, and overcome them. Today is the day I desire to move you forward, past the limits of yesterday, so you can embrace what I have in store for you in the future. (2)

Surely I am not only granting insights to things of old, but also to things yet come. As you encounter new challenges as you advance forward in your new territory, I will also speak to you clearly and show you the path I have marked out for you. I will speak to you and show you clearly, and with great detail, accuracy, and timing, what you must do.

You will enter into a new realm, utilizing a new level of revelation if you will remain open to me. I am bringing you past yesterday, for you are entering into that new season of not only harvest, but continual revelation as well. As you sit before me, I will not only open revelation, but also the interpretation and application as well. I will give you these three pillars you need in order to truly absorb what I am bringing to you.

So expect I will also give you the interpretation you so desperately need for the revelation given you. I will make it clear to you, and you will understand it. I will grant you the application as well. I will show you how to implement the meaning of what I have shown you, so you will not be left ill-prepared, unable to take action, but will show you in practical ways how to receive, understand, and apply my instructions. I will not lead you to the water without letting you drink! (3)

So understand, My Dearly Loved Ones, this is such an exciting time if you will respond. I will speak to your heart and reveal my will for you. As you obey me, you will see circumstances open before you, and you will enter into that territory your heart has desired for so many years. In this place of occupation you will truly begin to thrive in your calling and destiny as you embody my divine purpose deep-seated within you. (4)

(1) Deuteronomy 32:7, Psalm 77:11, Revelation 2:17
(2) Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 2:14, Deuteronomy 1:8, Numbers 33:53
(3) Psalm 84:11, John 14:18, Psalm 119:105, John 14:26
(4) John 16:13, Matthew 10:19, Jeremiah 33:3, James 1:17, Ephesians 4:1

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