In response to the unprecedented tzara that Klal Yisrael and the world are facing, and on the advice of Gedolei Yisrael, we have come together as a community to pledge, bli neder, to simplify our weddings as a permanent part of our lives.
Simcha Guidelines that we are committing to:
We will have no elaborate vort celebrations.
We will limit the wedding meal to family and close friends of chosson & kallah, with a maximum of 250 invited guests, followed by a Simchas Chosson v’Kallah for all of the chaveirim who wish to rejoice with us.
May this initiative be a zchus for the cholim of Klal Yisrael and the world, and may we merit to make many simchos culminating in the simcha of the בנין בית המקדש.
Video by Aryeh Gelbard and Company