
We Looked Up because of Ancient Cataclysms

We Looked Up because of Ancient Cataclysms Hi and welcome back to mysteries channeled. My last video went over Plato’s account of ancient cataclysms that rocked the earth. Believed by some to be a mere story and others to be a history. At the end of that video I talk about how I think that our ancient ancestors looked to the sky because of fear. They were looking up waiting for something to happen. The knowledge they gained from looking up turns into calendars and a better understanding of agriculture and growing seasons, but ultimately I think that was a by product of staring at space because they knew and feared the return of something. Was it the Gods, that they feared, or was it the conflagrations in the sky as the Egyptians put it? One thing is for sure they took this responsibility very seriously. So,

Today we will go over tablet K8538.

The Sumerian Tablet K8538, The Great Meteor Impact Devastating Mesopotamia by Joachim Seifert and Frank Lemke:

4.2 KYR Event:

British Museum of London: (Pictures are back up, so maybe it was maintenance.)

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