In this video we discuss everything you need to start a fish tank. Below you will find a comprehensive list along with videos and links that will help you choose the equipment that is right for you.
Checklist of what you need:
1) Fish Tank
Helpful Videos
Pros and Cons of Fish Tank Sizes:
Fish Tank Stocking Ideas:
2) Fish Tank Filter
Marineland Pro HOB Filter (amazon affiliate link):
Seachem Tidal HOB Filter (amazon affiliate link):
Aquatop Forza 5-15 HOB Filter (amazon affiliate link):
Helpful Videos
How to choose the right aquarium filter:
How to save money on filter media:
3) Aquarium Heater
Eheim Heater (amazon affiliate link):
Helpful Videos
Eheim heater review:
4) Aquarium Light
Hygger Light (amazon affiliate link):
Helpful Videos
Aquarium Lighting 101:
5) Fish Tank Lid
6) Thermometer
Thermometer (amazon affiliate link):
7) Fish Tank Stand (depends on size of tank)
8) Powerstrip
9) Substrate
Helpful Videos
How to choose the right substrate:
Our favorite sand:
10) Decorations (plants/caves/rocks/wood) - Make it FUN!!
Helpful Videos
Fake vs real plants:
Beginners guide to aquarium plants:
How to prepare driftwood:
11) Water Additives
Water Conditioner (amazon affiliate link):
Fritzyme 7 Bacteria (amazon affiliate link):
12) Algae Scraper
13) Bucket
14) Gravel Vac
Helpful Videos
Top Fin gravel vac review:
15) Water Test Strips (Best to get both)
Tetra Test Strips (amazon affiliate link):
Tetra Ammonia Test Strips (amazon affiliate link):
Helpful Videos
The nitrogen cycle explained:
16) Fish Tank Background
Helpful videos
How paint fish tanks:
DIY backgrounds:
17) Fish Net
Fish net (amazon affiliate link):
18) Fish Food
Check out
19) Fish! :-)
Also, our new shirts can be found at:
For the latest in the fish room check us out on Instagram primetime_aquatics
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We would like to thank our channel sponsors for 2020: Flip Aquatics and Fritz Aquatics. For 2020 our fish are being fed Northfin Foods from flipaquatics.com! They help make what we do here possible and are worth checking out!
Thank you so much for watching!
#aquariums #fishtank #aquariumfish