
The TRUTH about the EVENT, Ascension and the Great Solar Flash NO ONE TELLS YOU

The TRUTH about the EVENT, Ascension and the Great Solar Flash NO ONE TELLS YOU Understanding The TRUTH about the EVENT, ASCENSION and the Great Solar Flash will completely transform your life. We are entering into a new state of consciousness right now on the planet. This video I'll share something that NO ONE TELLS YOU.

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This video, I'm going to be showing you the truth about the event, and the great solar flash in ascension that is so often misinterpreted by people. I'm going to show you a new perspective about it and exactly what you can do so you don't miss the boat.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you that of the truth about the event, the great solar flash and ascension. And these are going to be things that I learned from experience. Okay?

And when I say this, understand that I'm seeing it from a perspective of um, I've understanding how reality works in general, how sometimes we get these ways of interpreting reality that we think are quite literal. However many times they may actually be literal, but also there may be an infusion of that, of our perspective and our belief system about it that gets overlaid with reality itself.

So this is a, I'm gonna share with you a little bit about how I've come to understand this and kind of what I went through when I was going through the ascension process is ascension is by the way, something that's happening like all of this lifetime in general, we are sending our vibration as a collective consciousness.

And back in 2012 I thought ascension was going to be like this momentary flash where we're all here one moment and then there's a lot of people that are asleep. There's some people that are awake, but all of a sudden it like jolts us and we would go into a new state of consciousness and we're existing in higher dimensional states of consciousness.

I'll be honest, I thought it was a quite a literal thing because when I was meditating I was getting information on that. There are millions of people on the planet that also thought the same thing. And what happened was is I thought that that's the way it was going to happen.

It was going to be more of this sudden shift where in 2000, you know, like December 21st, 2012 it's like all of a sudden we're in a completely new timeline and in a way we are the, the, the, the paradox of it is that we really are on a completely new timeline because we're always shifting through the different parallel realities depending on our vibration as a collective consciousness.

However, we do it so flawlessly that we really don't even know we're doing it. Just that we have these expectations a lot of times that it happens in a certain type of way. So back in 2012 I went through the spiritual awakening process. Um, prior to that I had ADHD. I couldn't focus very much.

I was working a nine to five job at a Nordstrom's and women's shoes and I was feeling a lot of resistance because I couldn't meditate or no, because I had ADHD and then I learned meditation mutations. What really changed my life because then I observed, I learned how to observe my thoughts from a neutral place and I started to disengage almost from the, the Avatar ego we have.

And I was able to observe it and see it for more of what it was. And that's when I started the tapping into the spiritual dimension in my life as well. I started to go within, started to understand things in a much deeper level. And in 2012, that's when it now in 2011, 2012 minutes, what's happening?

I was becoming aware of the ascension and I was having an interpreting of the ascension as if on December 21st, 2012 there's going to be some momentary flash. And there were some pretty reckless things that I actually did because I believed that there were things that I did that were embarrassing.

There were things that I did that, um, kind of made me look like a fool to a lot of other people, but I kind of feel like shared it now just because it out if something had happened. And I think maybe some people can relate to when you're going through this spiritual awakening process that you've sometimes we get so carried away with it.

Versus that mistake I made is I thought everyone's going to completely understand it. Like in my family and groups of friends and stuff. So I go through this ascension and I'm like sharing it with...

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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