The size of these giants never ceases to amaze us. Zindoga, one of the younger bulls, towers high above Adine and the carers.
The strength of each elephant should never be second guessed. Even little Khanyisa has a solid force in her comparatively little body, which Adine has felt with the odd headbutt from the calf. The elephants are all so effective at walking close to one another, without stepping on anyone's feet.
Tokwe the Matriarch comes in close beside Khanyisa and then we bump into Lundi and Limpopo, with a beautiful close-up of Lundi's skin. Khanyisa suckles a little from allomother, Bubi and even though no milk is produced, this still provides the calf with great comfort and the pair with natural bonding. The females surround the two during this, protectively, from the potential threats of the wilderness.
The herd enjoy the abundant vegetation and Kumbura (an orphan accepted by the herd in 2009) reveals the strength of her trunk, breaking off branches with one tug. Beautiful Setombe comes in close too, with plenty of food in her mouth and trunk at the same time, as does Limpopo, showing beautiful close-ups of her. Limpopo later places her trunk in Zindoga's mouth, a form of elephant communication.
You'll see a view of Lundi eating and Klaserie, Setombe's daughter, enjoying the low vegetation, as well as Lundi's son, Mambo, and little Timisa, with her back legs comfortably crossed while she forages. Tokwe's daughter, Pisa moves in, showing off her magnificent eyes. Adine ends the video with a scene of Tokwe, Fishan and Setombe, a beautiful herd of elephants on a beautiful day in the reserve!