
Simple Trick To Catch Big Trout On Paddletails (In Early Spring)

Simple Trick To Catch Big Trout On Paddletails (In Early Spring) Stop paying full price for your tackle and get on the water fishing tips every week. Click here to join us in the Insider Club:

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It's trout time!

Here are two things you need to know about trout in the late winter and early spring:

1. Cold water makes big trout lethargic
2. Trout like to ambush their prey from below (see the video at 1:26 for an example of this)

So what can we do with that info?

Well, we know that if we slow roll a lure over where they're waiting in ambush, we've got a good shot to catch them.

So in this video, you'll learn a little trick for rigging paddletails that will make them stay in the strike zone a little longer and help you catch more fish.

I used this trick to catch my PB trout just a few short weeks ago.

Have any questions about this trick?

Or any other tips for catching big trout in the late winter or early spring?

Let me know down in the comments!

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